As part of a partnership with Friends of Pathways, Shared Mobility Inc. will be performing live bike sharing demonstrations for the next 4 weeks in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. As part of this demonstration, 5 locations will be set up to be used by locals and tourists to test to determine if bike sharing is feasible in the area–all for free. This demonstration was funded by a $25,000 grant from the state investment fund of Wyoming.
We believe studies, and research does provide information on the feasibility of shared systems, but actually putting bikes out there for people to interact with should also be part of the decision-making process. Similar to our demonstrations in New York State, which have led to the CDPHP Cycle! and Reddy Bikeshare systems, we hope this experience will lead to a public and private partnership leading to service in Jackson Hole.

For more information about the bike sharing demonstration please check out this website.