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Reddy Bikeshare is Expanding to Niagara Falls

Updated: Sep 30, 2022

Reddy BikeShare in Partnership with Independent Health to Launch in City of Niagara Falls in 2019

The City of Niagara Falls announced today that bikesharing will become available to residents and visitors later this year. Reddy Bikeshare, in partnership with Independent Health, will continue to be operated by non-profit Shared Mobility Inc., but with additional support from the City of Niagara Falls. Bringing Reddy bikes to Niagara Falls is part of the city’s ongoing plans to encourage bicycling and to make the area more bike-friendly.

“I am committed to making the City of Niagara Falls a vibrant, safe space for residents, visitors, and tourists to walk, bike, and recreate as they revel in our extraordinary natural environment,” said Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster. “We have demonstrated this commitment through the adoption of a citywide Complete Streets policy, our roadway redesigns projects such as the Robert Moses Parkway, and our colorful crosswalk projects in downtown Niagara Falls to improve walkability for residents and tourists alike. The Niagara Falls Bicycle Master Plan and launch of Reddy Bikeshare in Niagara Falls will allow this momentum to continue forward while costing the taxpayer nothing”.

Reddy Bikeshare has been operating in Buffalo since July 2016, and since then, 9,350 riders have traveled a collective total of 116,345 miles (almost ½ the distance from the earth to the moon) and have burned 4.8 million calories.

“Independent Health is excited to help bring the bikeshare program to Niagara Falls and is especially pleased to support another effort that encourages exercise and recreation in our region, while also providing an alternative means of transportation, boosting the local economy and further advancing the revitalization occurring in Niagara Falls,” said Michael W. Cropp, M.D., president and CEO, Independent Health.

“The bikeshare program in the City of Buffalo has been a resounding success, exceeding all expectations on Reddy bike utilization, distance traveled on Reddy bikes and overall reaction from the community on the bikeshare program. To bring this successful program to Niagara Falls is exciting, and together with Shared Mobility we’re helping to create a culture of health throughout the region by supporting recreation and exercise through bicycling,” said Dr. Cropp.

Discounted annual memberships to the bikeshare program will be made available for any eligible Niagara Falls resident. Working with Reddy Bikeshare, the city will also call upon Niagara Falls residents to participate in planning efforts to determine where bikeshare stations should be located, a process to be led by GObike Niagara as well as Niagara Falls Community Development. GObike Niagara is a program of GObike Buffalo and works to build a thriving, dynamic, and connected Niagara by promoting biking, alternative transportation options, and improved streetscapes to create positive impacts on health, our environment, our streets, and the overall quality of life for all residents.

“As part of our process for developing the Niagara Falls Bicycle Master Plan and supporting the parallel effort of introducing Niagara Falls residents to bikeshare, we’ll be hosting a series of public outreach meetings and related events, including a Slow Roll Bike Stampede and a pop-up event to allow residents to experience best practice bike infrastructure,” said Justin Booth, Executive Director of GObike. “The purpose of the bike plan is to support and elevate the community vision for Niagara Falls, so it is imperative that residents contribute to and help us craft and define the future bicycle transportation network for the city.”

The bikeshare program will be a part of a regional system in which riders from both Buffalo and Niagara Falls will have access to bikes in either city with one membership. The two cities are connected via the Niagara River Greenway, an initiative supported by the Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council. The Greenway is a roughly 20-mile trail that is accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists and once fully completed, will connect the region via a system of trails that span the waterfront between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

To learn more about biking in and around Niagara Falls, as well as to provide input on new infrastructures, such as bike lanes and bikeshare station locations, residents are encouraged to attend upcoming public meetings this spring. Once scheduled, meeting times and locations will be posted at along with other details of the Niagara Falls Bike Master Plan.

“Over the past few years, bikesharing has quickly become a go-to method of travel and recreation in cities around the world, including Buffalo, where it has become recognized as part of the city’s urban fabric”, said Mike Galligano, CEO, Shared Mobility Inc., “We are thrilled to be working with the City of Niagara Falls, Independent Health, GObike Niagara, and especially community partners and city residents to uncover the potential that the Falls has in becoming a true biking destination for visitors and residents alike with the addition of a transportation amenity that is healthy, fun and affordable.”

Folks interested in bikesharing can visit for more information. To provide input on Niagara Falls bikeshare station locations, residents, business owners or anyone else can e-mail or call 716-407-7474.


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